
Showing posts from May, 2018

Analytical Sensitivity to Fuzzy Fix Coordinates

In empirical data GPS fixes are never exact positions. A “fuzziness field” will always be introduced due to uncertain geolocation. When analyzing a set of fixes in the context of multi-scaled space use, are the parameter estimates sensitive to this kind of statistical error? Simultaneously, I also explore the effect on constraining the potential home range by disallowing sallies to the outermost range of available area. To explore the triangulation error effect on space use analysis I have simulated Multi-scaled random walk in a homogeneous environment with N=10,000 fixes (of which the first 1,000 fixes were discarded) under two scenaria; a “sharp” location (no uncertainty polygons), and strong fuzziness. The latter introduced a random displacement to each x-y coordinate with a standard deviation (SD) of magnitude approximately equal to the system condition’s Characteristic scale of space use (CSSU). Displacements to the outermost parts of the given arena was disallowed, to study how...

The Balance of Nature?

To understand populations’ space use one needs to understand the individual’s space use. To understand the individuals’ space use one needs to acknowledge the profound influence of spatio-temporal memory capacity combined with multi-scale landscape utilization, which continues to be empirically verified at a high pace in a surprisingly wide range of taxa. Complex space use has wide-ranging consequences for the traditional way of thinking when it comes to formulate these processes in models. In a nutshell, the old and hard-dying belief in the balance of nature needs a serious re-formulation, since complexity implies “strange” fluctuations of abundance over space, time and scale. A fresh perspective is needed with respect to inter-species interactions (community ecology) and environmental challenges from habitat destruction, fragmentation and chemical attacks. We need to address the challenge by rethinking also the very basic level of how we perceive an ecosystem’s constituents: how we ...