Positive and Negative Feedback Part II: Populations

Examples of positive feedback loops in population dynamics abound. Even if the majority of models are focusing on negative feedback, like the logistic growth function, non-equilibrium “boom and bust” kind of model designs have also been developed. In this post I elaborate on the particular kind of positive feedback loop that emerges from cross-scale dual-direction flow of individuals that is based on the parallel processing conjecture. The image to the right illustrates – in simplistic terms – a spatially extended population model of standard kind (e.g., a coupled map lattice design) where each virtually demarcated local population j at spatial resolution i and at a given point in time t contains N ij individuals. No borders for local migration are assumed; i.e ., the environment is open both internally and externally towards neighbour sites.Typically, these individuals are set to be subject to a locally negative feedback loop in accordance to principles of density dependent regul...