Non-Mechanistic Dynamics: a Simple Illustration
In my previous post I summarized my critique of mechanistic modelling when applied on animal movement. Simply stated, the Markovian design on which mechanistic models depend is in my view incompatible with a realistic representation of memory-influenced and scale-free space use. Below I illustrate the alternative approach, non-mechanistic dynamics, by a simple Figure. As conceptually described by the Scaling cube, an extra system dimension based on relative scale (“hierarchical scaling” of the dynamics), resolves the apparent paradox of non-mechanistic dynamics. I cite from my first post on the Scaling cube (December 25, 2015): The scaling cube brings these directions of research together under a coherent biophysics framework. It also forces upon us a need to differentiate between mechanistic dynamics (the M-floor) and non-mechanistic dynamics (the PP-ceiling). As a supplement to my book presentation I have published a series of posts on this theme, where its unfamiliar nature ha...